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---How it works---
TS after properly configured closes the specified torrent client exactly when you start any online game.
After you exit your game TS will re-run the torrent client.

So there are 2 general scenarios:
You have one PC downloading and you play online games from this PC.
You have several PCs, one PC downloading and several PCs for online games.

When you double-click a game than TS client is activated.
It sends a message to the PC which is used for Downloads (and which should have TS server running)
that you need the bandwidth for online gaming.
Then TS server closes the specified torrent client (if it was running).

After you exit the game TS client will send a message to TS server that you have exited.
Then if there is not any other TS client running (no other PC uses the internet for gaming)
TS server re-runs the specified torrent client
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